By Darren Sanders, Principal Consultant, Celerity Limited
Your corporate data is your company’s most valuable asset. Protecting this data is critical to the success of any organisation. Cloud based backup solutions are changing the way we all look at data protection, due to the technical, economic and security benefits they can provide.
As your data continues to grow, the costs associated with backing up this data to a traditional backup solution are also rising. More data to store means more disk and tape storage capacity is required along with increasing backup software costs to manage the volume of backup data.
There are many advantages of adopting a cloud based backup solution when compared to the traditional methods you may be currently running.
- Reduced Total Cost of Ownership (TCO)
- Improved Data Protection & Peace of Mind
- Sturdier Compliance Safeguards
- Smarter use of IT Resources

If you are considering moving to a cloud based backup solution it is important to have a clear understanding of the service levels that are being offered and the impact that it will have on your organisation’s business processes and procedures and, of course, how it will actually integrate into your current infrastructure.
Celerity understands the importance of this decision and would welcome the opportunity for you to have a discussion with one of our data protection specialists.
Celerity’s Data Custodian product set can deliver a number of services around data protection. These services range from a managed backup service, for both on-premise and hosted backup environments, to a fully managed cloud backup offering.
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